I asked if I could share some of his terrific ideas about changing the world in one minute. I've selected a few personal favorites alongside 'compliment someone's tattoo or piercing' so, if you got a minute here's ways to invest in world change.
"A Few Things You Can Do to Change Our World
Please keep in mind that these suggestions are not intended
as legal, financial, medical, or spiritual advice. This list is not so much to
be read as to be consulted ... a reference guide when you are looking
for new ideas.
•Learn a new joke and tell it to someone. You know the
saying about “the healing power of laughter.” That saying
appears to have some truth to it.
• Give a sincere compliment to a friend, a relative, a stranger,
an employee, a child, a senior citizen, or yourself. Compli-
ments are free, but they do wonders for the spirit.
• Personally thank a soldier, teacher, nurse, artist, musician,
crossing guard, police officer, fire fighter, EMT, or any
other deserving person.
• Do something to leave every place you visit a little bit
better than the way you found it.
• Pick up a piece of trash and throw it away. If everyone
did this once per day, litter would no longer be much of
a problem.
• Turn off the water when you brush your teeth. This saves
more water than you may think.
• Extinguish and properly dispose of your cigarette butts
if you smoke. Cigarette butts are litter, just like other
• When you choose to do something, make a decision to
do it to the best of your ability. It only takes one moment
to make a decision.
• Tell someone special how you feel about them. This is
more powerful than you may think.
• Hold the door for someone. Chivalry is not dead—it’s
just not doing too well these days. We can bring it back
from the brink. Showing basic manners can restore hope
in humanity for those who observe.
• Smile and greet a stranger
* Leave an encouraging note for someone in your house
or workplace.
• Let someone in front of you in traffic. This type of kind-
ness helps to lessen “road rage.”
• Let a pedestrian cross. Maybe even two.
• Make sure that someone who lets you into traffic or
lets you cross the street sees you wave and express
thanks. This will encourage him or her to keep up the
good work."
printed with permission from Doing Good Works! by Bryan Douglas
There are many more things I'm sure you can think of, plus more wonderful lists of things in Bryan's book - some that take as many as 10 whole minutes.
Of the 1-minute suggestions, these are my personal favorites:
• Jot down your own good deeds throughout the day. It is
encouraging to see just how many little positive changes
you can pack into a day.
• Apologize without expecting forgiveness.
• Forgive without expecting an apology.
Click here for my show with Bryan