But what is it to 'create'?
The popcorn version of this idea says that you "get what you think about" - which interpreted literally means: parking spaces, Porsches and bicycles appear just because we think about them enough. Now if you can do that, great. That makes me very happy. Really. I mean, life is all about what is true for you and what you know from your experience.
But if you've tried to think and make it so and that did not work - here's a clue. Change the words 'get what you think about' to 'experience what you think about'
We experience everything in the world through our thinking about it. I don't experience you, I hear, see and experience my thoughts about you.
And if you think about that, it makes sense. In fact, it's incredibly simple and boils down to:
It's hard to have a good moment if you are having shitty thoughts.
The implications are just a simple, and just as far reaching. If you are in the middle of something and you want to experience something different, you will have to change your thinking about it.
Of course, you can also walk away, you say.
Well, quite right. And you can walk away and continue right on thinking about it too. For as long as you like. Even for a lifetime, if you so chose.
The simple maxim 'you get what you think about' = you are experiencing life through your thoughts about life. If you are aware of that, then you have choice.
The definition of powerless is not realizing or exercising that choice.