Maybe that seems to suggest that someone will come along who has THE answer just for you...
and that would make me so happy!
I certainly do want you to find what you are looking for; and yet the bare truth seems to be that no one else has your answer.
There really is no direct link between someone else’s wisdom or teachings and your problem. Or let me put it this way, the real link between your problem and the answer is not someone else’s answer. It’s you. It's the way you rethink the issue yourself, based on whatever information comes your way.
That's how I think it works.
I mean have you ever noticed that we often reject even very good ideas simply because haven’t come up with ourselves? Even if we specifically asked for them?
How many times have you suggested something to a friend and then they happily ignored your great advice, only to have them chirp later that they had this ‘great idea’ (which sounded a lot like the one you gave them and they didn’t want!).
We really only want to hear our own answers and yet we are constantly looking for other people to answer our questions. (Did we learn this in school or what?)
But let's face it, between the good ideas of others, and our day to day issues, all we can get is a good push in the right direction. And most of the time we resent that too. Maybe we were just made this way. Maybe that's why we need to confront some of our problems over and over again, until we are ready to listen to our own advice. Until we are ready to take what we've gathered, make it our own and just trust what we are hearing inside.
That means the best advice you'll ever get might be someone who says nothing, but offers space for you to hear yourself.
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"Elese Coit is a leader in transformative personal change and Hosts the Radio Show A New Way To Handle Absolutely Everything. To see the world differently, reach for one of her '101 New Pairs of Glasses' on"