We turned life into the multiple answer quiz and removed the option "None of the Above".
But I was thinking this week and I wrote down on my pad next to me:
What if all life were the adventure of finding out, rather than finding?
Maybe it is the nature of the human mind that has become so petrified by the discomfort of not-knowing that it will settle for a poor answer or half-truth before it admits it does not know.
Or has it just become not cool to not know?
I thought there used to be joy in the process of discovery. Didn't we like a bit of mystery? The word 'wonder' ponders and considers. It's open. It shrugs its' shoulders a bit. It has patience. And Christmas used to be a holiday of 'wonder', right? We have 7 Wonders in this World.
Actually, only 7?
That's not a lot of Wonder.
To be unsure is to be invisible. The humiliation of the admitting you have no answer is actually worse than hoofing something indefensible or silly. Ever seen someone defend a totally made-up fact because they got cornered by their own uncertainty?
"Actually, dear, no, I'm not sure which road to take or where we are."
Will you hear that?
Well, we can all recognize ourselves here. I certainly see myself.
Having said that, I can't tell you the weight that lifts when I say, "I'm not sure."
Try it on.
What do you think?
"I don't know. But I wonder..."