I don't know what will happen, really. Could be very bizarre.
I did it today, fact. I stood in line at the Post Office. It was a very long line, so you hear everyone's conversations, and one of the people working today was smiling and greeting everyone with a great booming: "How are You?" I watched the responses. Actually, this has become so NOT a real question, that some people answered "Yeah, will this still get there by Monday morning?"
So as I walked up to that particular person I checked inside. How am I? I wondered silently.
When it came my turn to be asked, I responded, "Actually, I'm very relaxed and quite content, thank you for asking."
It might be really nice to say that what happened next was this great moment of human connection. Actually, he asked me if I had really been waiting my turn or cut the line. I needed to wait in line he said. Which was pretty funny, because I'd been there for 20 minutes in a very long line. I reassured him I had waited my turn and he seemed satisfied.
Was it the 20 minutes I spend checking into how I felt that made some kind of difference? I'm thinking that maybe had something to do with the fact that by the time I arrived at the counter I was really, just relaxed. Just: A woman standing in line.
What was interesting is not only that I felt good, but I also felt happy with my interaction with him too. I felt connected. I felt connected to me and yes, to him to for a moment. Even as he questioned my personal queuing integrity.
When he said "Have a Nice Weekend," I replied, "Well I wish that for you too."
And I meant it.
Anyway, I thought I'd continue doing this for a few more days and see what happens. Is anyone else interested in doing this with me?
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"Elese Coit is a leader in transformative personal change and Hosts the Radio Show A New Way To Handle Absolutely Everything. To see the world differently, reach for one of her '101 New Pairs of Glasses' each day on http://elesecoit.com"
Thank you.