I pulled over to the side of the road to consider this for a moment. He went on:
"I've realized the problem of my life is that I would meet someone and immediately think I knew or could quickly figure out 'what kind of love' exactly. Then I would try to force everything and them into that mold. What A Disaster. Now I know just to love and allow things to unfold to where they naturally settle and be whatever they are supposed to be."
Could I just open up to the idea that I might not know what any single encounter might be 'for'?
Do I really need to know the purpose of every relationship from the moment we meet? What sense does it make to size people up against a list or quickly make up my mind what role they'll play in my life? Does that really make my relationships easy, open, friendly and fun? Or does it immediately turn them into scoreboards with rule sets and referees? And sometimes we haven't even agreed what game we are both playing!
Don't you hate it when your Dad's right?
p.s. My dad's books are available on Amazon.com. He is Lee Coit, and his titles are 'Being', 'Listening' and 'Accepting'. He writes about his experiences learning to listen and follow his inner voice. Go figure.
Oh, don't tell him I told you but he's almost ready with the new book on relationships.
No pressure or anything, Pops!
(He also wore those horn-rimmed glasses when I was a kid)
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"Elese Coit is a leader in transformative personal change and Hosts the Radio Show A New Way To Handle Absolutely Everything. To see the world differently, reach for one of her '101 New Pairs of Glasses' each day on http://elesecoit.com"
Thank you.