Anyone here not had enough of their suffering and worried thinking yet? Please stand up and go make a cup of tea.
Those still sitting...if you want to become clearer in thinking and expression (and you don't have an undiagnosed chemical imbalance) then the only remedy I know is a daily dose of quietness of the mind.
You really don't even know what the roots of problems are (or how to solve them) until you come into better control of the thought process. Now by 'control' I really mean that you come to a place of ease and clarity in thinking. Not that you become the thought patrol.
Paradoxically, though, the only way I know to create that 'ease and clarity' is to stop dabbling and get serious about some kind of daily practice. I'm not saying you can't get a quiet mind another way.
But for most of us, ease will take effort.
Sucks huh?
Look, if there is a good chance your issues are not chemical, dietary, or medical, then there is a high chance this just might work. So what it really means if you don't do it is super simple. You really have not had enough yet (see my previous posts on this one, just below!).
I bet you have already been exposed to enough great methods and enough superb advice and information by now to be able to choose something that you like and that works for you as a mind-calming practice. Choose the thing that gives you the greatest sense of peace, ease and focus and then commit, absolutely, to make it happen daily - no matter what. I mean that. Like, Everyday.
That's my unsolicited (but sound) advice.
So how about it? Hearing the objections in your head? Got a really good story about why that can't happen? Stop listening to it right now and pick up your phone. Getting a routine going when you're not used to it can be hard for anyone, so get a daily check in buddy who you will report to.
Barring that, hire a coach. Pick someone you know is going take no excuses and is going to support you lovingly and tell you the truth. I want you to pay for their great service.
Because if you do that, what you will be doing is telling you, finally, that you are serious.
You'll be glad you did. But you won't know that for a while so just take my advice. Feel free to curse as much as you want, but get started anyway.
Ready. Steady. Go.
Radio show
2/24/10 Get Creative, Get Unstuck
2/05/10 Ultimate Psychological Freedom
1/22/10 Procrastinate No More
Other Commitment and Procrastination- busters
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"Elese Coit is a leader in transformative personal change and Hosts the Radio Show A New Way To Handle Absolutely Everything. To see the world differently, reach for one of her '101 New Pairs of Glasses' each day on"
Thank you.