![]() time to get out of the trees... What happens when we mistakenly believe that the limits of our thinking are equal to the limits of our possibilities? What might be the rewards of letting go of your best-laid plans?! Life is full of change, and the art of being with the unknown demands new skills.
![]() Most of us have addictions. Small or big, visible or hidden ... whether it's TV, food, alcohol, drugs, exercise, or even gossip ... addictions create pain and damage. To leave behind a habit or compulsion we must make the change and also find a way to embed the change. There are a few key understandings that make the difference between ending up with 'yet another' temporary fix and a truly sustainable and natural solution that we can easily maintain over time. We explore these in the show. Listen to the show, click here Listen via iTunes
Ami Chen Mills-Naim hosts 'The Root of All Problems,' a deep-hearted reflection on the origins of our pain, suffering, disappointments and confusion. What might be possible in life if we understood that there is one simple solution?
![]() One of my favorite guests is back to delight you with her newest life exploration: Savor and Serve the World. What do you do when The Big Energy tap, tap, taps you on the shoulder and says "How do you crack your heart open in the moment and savor life...?" And what do you do when you don't know the answer? If you are Jen Louden you... ... jump in with both feet. And start paddlin'. more on her experiment here Listen to the show now
Listen via iTunes *** If you liked this show you might also like the shows on Creativity and Potential I don't know about you, but I have experienced something inside that is able to give me direction when I need it. If I take time to listen, that is! Maybe you call that your intuition, your gut feeling or (like my guest) your soul... what we call it may not matter as much as what we do with the information it gives us. This week my guest is Colleen Laukka, a coach/mentor and an inspirational writer who says following your soul's guidance is like coming home. And she knows there is no place like home. For her, you are always at home and comfortable when you are following your soul's direction for your life. We'll talk about what that means and how to kick off the heels and step into the comfort of what she calls your Soul Slippers. Colleen's lovely poetic writings and her programs for the soul, her coaching and mentoring can be found on http://MySoulSlippers.com Listen to the archive show here
To download the show you can right click on the link above and save. (You'll see a blue 'play' arrow when the archive link goes live - usually within a few hours after the live show. Refresh your page to check it. Give us a couple hours to upload the archive : ) ** Also on iTunes! click here Peter Fenner and I explore 'Radiant Mind' - unconditioned awareness in which nothing is needed and nothing needs to be taken away.
You actually can feel during the show how Buddhist nondual wisdom can integrate naturally with the complexities of daily commitments. I love that Peter talks about * the anti-frantic environment * how to stop making a problem out of having problems * why we get stuck when we think there is more to know than we know right now * why we don't have to make anything better Peter helps us understand how to be in the 'experience of unconditioned awareness' which allows painful thoughts and feelings to dissolve. Over 38 years Peter has distilled the essence of traditions like Zen, Dzogchen and the Buddhist Middle Way, and adapted them to suit our post-modern culture. He teaches worldwide and has written extensively on Buddhist nondual traditions, including his latest book: Radiant Mind: Awakening Unconditional Awareness. Don't miss his 9-month Radiant Mind Course in Vancouver BC, May 7, 2010 - Feb 20, 2011 Click here to Register or to learn more ![]() The phenomenal Greg Baer drops by to talk with me about exactly how radical honesty is the key to real love. I can't wait for you to hear Greg redefine 'self love'. For twenty years, Greg Baer, M.D. has developed some simple and powerful principles that have greatly enriched the lives of thousands of people. He’s written 16 books on Real Love from marriage and dating to the workplace. You will find them and much more on his site http://reallove.com Considering this topic further (and give your opinion) - click here to read "I love you, but..." ![]() Do you believe we all have complete freedom? Complete. Freedom. When Viktor Frankl (Man's Search For Meaning) said that even when the Nazi's were torturing his body, he still had ultimate freedom to choose, what did he mean? Was he simply an exceptional human being with something special about him that no one else has? And If we all have this capacity, how do we tap into it every day? My guest is Kara Stamback, whose work is based on Three Principles Psychology; we will talk about what ultimate psychological freedom means and just how accessible it is. Kara Stamback, M.S., is a teacher, counselor, consultant and facilitator in principle-based psychology. She is an Associate at www.pranskyandassociates.com ![]() Wouldn't you love to easily stay calm and balanced even when challenged by "difficult" family members, long-standing issues and the sometimes stressful moments of the holiday period? Dr. Roger Mills, President of the Center for Sustainable Change, will introduce you to three simple principles that allow you to take control your peace of mind. |
No More Radio Show Archives... So sorry!Boohoo... the radio show source files are lost and no longer play on iTunes.
(The "Listen Now" links also no longer play). My show ran live for 3 years until April 2012 and my heartfelt thank you to all who listened and learned with me. With Love, Elese SHOW TOPICS
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April 2012
Unfortunately all shows in 2008 were lost in an outage at CTR station and can no longer be heard.