"Dear Diary,
So far it looks like I like the idea of the book more than I like the reality of getting up at 5:30 in order to have writing be the first thing I do. BUT, I am very committed to my book.
Hm. Having writing be the last thing I do is not turning out either.
But lots of nice, lovely wishful thinking happened!!
Loosely fitting it in writing time during the day between tasks, is well, erm, not quite working out I notice. This book thing sure sounds good, but looks unlikely to happen if I continue like this. Do I or do I not want this?"
So, as I find with my clients so it is for me, the proof of whether we want what we say we want is tested by our willingness to do. (Which is why for coaching purposes, asking someone to commit and just take the first step - actually works. At the very least you find out you don't really want it that much after all).
Having experienced the full effects of non-commital dilly dallying, I decided I do want to write my book. And although I have decided this before and declared it, I am actually ready to be inconvenienced (get up at o'dark hundred) in order to do something I think is meaningful.
Commit Or Die.
It's me or them so... the excuses have to die. I just take one step: I set the alarm for 5 am (so I can do some secret inner moaning for a 1/2 hour before I actually get up. And I'm only partly kidding about that). Then I create the page called "101 New Pairs of Glasses" and I begin.
My Supercoach Academy students are making their lives an Excuse-Free Zone for 7 days. Join them? More here...
Try on pair #1: Die to your excuses and come out living.
If you wish to reprint, feel free, please include:
"Elese Coit is a leader in transformative personal change and Hosts the Radio Show A New Way To Handle Absolutely Everything. To see the world differently, reach for one of her '101 New Pairs of Glasses' each day on http://elesecoit.com"
Thank you.