Debbie's list of accomplishments are long. The newscasts and eulogies are reminders of how one woman with a heart bigger than her whole body, can actually change the world. But you could never list it all. Her life was dedicated to all of us. Her impact was massive. She flung herself out there in order to give us back ourselves. And left this world peopled with unspeakably precious gifts.
I want to say Thank You to a woman who blessed my life, who practically saved my life, and who left me with so much to be grateful for.
I found Debbie reading "Dark Side of The Light Chasers." A light went on inside me. Many more insights followed during my time training with her, assisting at the Shadow Process and hanging out. And what I most recall now are lessons I learned from her realness and her humanness.
In the time I was honored to be with her, she helped me see:
You will never be rid of your foibles. Give up trying.
You can only be yourself. You have no choice.
The only problem is you think that "yourself" is awful. And it is. But it is also beautiful.
Half the people will dislike you no matter what you do, the other half will love you no matter what you do. Get on with your work.
You don't have to settle for "surviving."
Beyond your comfort zone is your life.
Tell the truth and listen well to the truth about yourself from others. You'll get used to it.
Let It All be bigger than you are. You are Divine. Can't handle that? Though shit.
Everything you ever struggled with is going to help someone.
No matter who you think you are, you are way more. And then some.

Thank you, Debbie, for all of this and for ...
the people who are in my life only becuase of you
the healings and insights I had because of you
the way I can be with myself and others because of you
and the roads I never would have taken, were it not for you.
I Love You.