I sat back and thought, "How do I know that we are supposed to "attract" anyone at all?"
For those like my friend who find business building and marketing exhausting, there is a spiritual school of thought that says, "It's OK. Stop trying and start attracting. You are a spiritual being and the law of attraction will have your clients find you." Well, yes, we all are more than just our bodies. Talk to anyone who has had a near death experience, like Anita Moorjani (video below). But you can't unplug your personal plan and just plug in a new spiritual marketing plan. I am not seeing this working for people. And I'll get to what's missing in a moment.
We cannot substitute personal effort with spiritual effort.
In fact, I'm not sure there is any such thing as spiritual effort. What do I mean by this?
I mean, I don't think we MAKE ourselves spiritual, and I don't think we have any role in making spirituality work on a personal level -- anymore than we make electricity work.
To use "attracting" as your sales plan is just another technique, no different from traditional marketing, it doesn't work unless what is behind it is authentic. So if you are a coach, or a human services provider...
I believe you can't substitute any technique, spiritual or otherwise, for improving the base quality of your work. And the quality of your work is related to the depth of your own view of who you are and how you function.
Think of a magnet. A magnet does nothing to attract. When the right metallic components are in range, the polarity takes care of itself. I think we love the idea that we make ourselves into great magnets through our work and then people just get attracted. No. You don't make your polarity. You ARE the polarity because of your nature. Should you just stand there and radiate? Will they come? Maybe.
Or are you thinking that your job is to increase your polarity? Well, it's not. You job is to dance your dance. You don't even need to go deeper in anything unless it is useful to you to not only be who you are but to have awareness of who you are. But, you are already who you are. You are already the base metal and so is everyone else. Without your concept of who you are and your ideas about who you are, you would just simply be you.
So who am I and who do I think I am. Am I thinking of myself as someone who needs to attract clients? Where are all the areas I tend to forget who I am and become afraid and insecure? What's underneath my insecure thinking?
When was the last time you really reflected on: Who Are You?
From who you think you are flows everything that you do to make yourself happy, everything you think you need or is missing, all your problems and all your concerns. You are doing everything in your life right now based on your best guess about who you are.
I was raised in a Christian Science family and I was told from the earliest of ages, "you are not your body." I never believed this, even after spending the first 18 years of my life dedicated to this metaphysical study. So I do not expect that anyone, not you, not me, should take anyone's word for who you are. Belief should not come into it. You cannot sit solidly on a belief. But inquiry can get us beyond who we think we are.
We are too quick to accept everything we think as a true and accurate picture of life and of ourselves. We speak far too easily about ideas like "Law of Attraction," "ego" and "spiritual self" and have not taken enough time to investigate these beyond the level of concepts and pop culture.
Everything we do as humans is an attempt to remedy a life that is the direct result of accepting whatever crazy things we think and living them as true.
Most people I know (including me!) suffer at some point from some form of dwarfed or warped self-image. Most people simply try to apply this idea of "attraction" using their self-image. This image is made up of what we think of ourselves, but what is underneath it is actually what is most attractive about us.
At some point, if you are a coach and you are growing your business of service to others, the investigation into who is "Me" is a necessary investigation that has taken my clients and will take you through to the next level.
Forget attracting. Get to know yourself.